Sunday, December 7, 2008

Confetti, Fanfare, Music.

I think America, or any society in general, can reach a point where we get so complacent and self-satisfied, so balkanized and fragmented from each other, and so divided and unwilling to communicate, that we reach a point where we abandon our goals of fixing society's ills as we go and pass it off on someone else.

We reach a point where we "it's cool", "don't rock the boat", "chill out" ourselves to a certain social death. We reach a state of what could be perennial apathy and aquiescence to the status quo of modern society, where we are ready to just accept our state as it is in the name of "chilling out, man".

For the interested reader, I'm here to start honest discussion on topics and give one the tools to go out and start the discussion on ones own.

I talk about a lot of things - race, religion, social privilege, intellectualism in society, poverty, politics, and power.

So let the boat rocking begin.

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